Exit Planning

Financial Services

Outsourced Business Exit Planning Services

No one can run a business forever. At some point, it comes time for every leader to step aside and enjoy his or her success. A business cannot run itself, however. Every organization needs a plan on how to proceed when a company leader retires or steps down. Otherwise, your entire business could be thrown in chaos from which it may not recover.

Exit and succession planning requires strategic direction and tactical implementation to ensure a smooth transition during a delicate time. The CFO Firm offers our clients diverse financial expertise when it comes to strategic planning. Our experienced team considers every potential strategy to deliver the greatest value for your business. Our firm’s unique combination of business valuation and auditing experts will help answer important questions and create a successful, custom-tailored exit plan to complement your business and your lifestyle.

Will the financial and personal investment you have in your business be leveraged and protected when you retire? The CFO Firm can help give you the legacy, peace of mind, and financial freedom you deserve.

Why Outsource Exit Planning?

Many businesses (and business owners) simply don’t have the internal resources necessary to put together a comprehensive, profession exit or succession plan. That doesn’t mean they don’t need one, however. An exit planning roadmap should be updated at every stage of the business’s development to ensure maximized value.

CFO Firm advisors will work with you throughout
the exit planning process in order to:

  • Review, assess, and make recommendations surrounding your comprehensive business and personal situation
  • Determine how much your business is worth
  • Determine how much money you will need to retire, then create wealth, estate, and retirement strategies to ensure financial freedom
  • Outline the advanced planning and timing needed to grow and capture maximum enterprise value
  • Evaluate business transition options and determine the best option to meet your financial and non-financial goals

Are You Ready for Expert Exit Planning?

The CFO Firm works with business clients across the United States to ensure that the future of both the business and its leadership are secure in the event of an exit. If you’re ready to discuss your unique challenges with us, please contact us today.